
Students & Psychic Readings Testimonials

Claire Masters, Brisbane
I started working with Kalyi after many teachers were unable to understand and help me with a specific journey I had to take. I am currently doing the Intermediate Course.
Kalyi understood me and what I needed in order to move forward. Her teachings are truly insightful, and have helped me advance my interpersonal relationship with myself and with the universal Laws of One along with my psychic and mediumship development .
Kalyi is patient, kind and caring, and holds space for you to learn and grow with kindness and understanding. My transformation from not understanding myself and my gifts, to fully embracing and understanding them has been a game changer. I now have the capacity and understanding to integrate them into my life and future endeavours.
If you feel you are not understood and you are having a hard time even understanding yourself, I suggest looking at Kalyi’s courses and healings. I have faith that she will be able to understand you, not only on a surface level but on a soul level.
I am confident with the teachings I have received and with further practice and development through Kalyi’s courses, I know I will be able to navigate through this matrix we call life.
I am truly grateful for Kalyi,and I know if you are looking for a course to help get you started and step into your power, this would be the one.

C.H, Brisbane, Australia

I started with Kalyi in 2015, & completed both the Beginner & Intermediate courses over the next few years. I already had a strong foundation in psychic & spiritual philosophies, but found Kalyi’s gentle & encouraging guidance excelled my practise & skills, which I may not have achieved without her tutelage. She particularly helped break down & explain the basis of professional Readings – ie how to set up, how to talk to clients, how to field certain types of questions & clients – invaluable information that you just won’t find anywhere else easily. Enrolling in Kalyi’s courses will be a worthwhile investment in yourself, that you won’t regret.

Nina S, Brisbane, Australia

I did Kalyi’s Psychic Beginner course in May 2021, & I’m still an Intermediate student 8 months later. I find Kalyi to be profound, & I have & am still learning a lot from her about spirituality. She has a very welcoming personality & is also a great Pranic Healer. I highly recommend Kalyi as a teacher.

Pero N, Massage Therapist, Brisbane, Australia

Kalyi is a genuine & highly intuitive person. She has the gift of accessing wisdom & helping her students’ & clients’ development. I have proudly been her student for over a year now & I look forward to continuing to learn from her. I highly recommend Kalyi & I am certain you will be pleased with her Psychic Courses & other services she offers.

Thomas, Student, Brisbane, Australia

I have received Readings, healings & guidance from Kalyi many times from 2017. I have also been a student of her Beginner & Intermediate Psychic Development courses, as well as her course for overcoming the effects of abuse. Her insights are consistently helpful, & her approach is both empassioned & refreshingly down-to-earth. She has a strong connection to Spirit & her personal  spirit guides, which is inspiring & allows for great trust in her practice. I have recommended Kalyi to various friends & family seeking spiritual reinvigoration, or assistance in navigating difficult times. Of the spiritual practitioners I’ve met, Kalyi is the most capable.

Christopher Lambert,  Film Maker,  London

I met Kalyi back in 2011 when she did my first Reading. She has a very strong intuition & could see things in me & in my future that I would never have envisaged. These things she told me have been realised as the years have passed & I have seen how accurate her reading was. She not only sees where your journey is taking you, but has the innate ability to understand you, your ambitions, & can see down to the very core of your being, which gives both insight, & is helpful in recognising your path. She is passionate & cares about what she does, & I am very glad that our paths have crossed. I would highly recommend Kalyi.

Zoe S, Brisbane, Ausralia

After going to Kalyi for a Psychic Reading, I was better able to understand my own energy & energies around me. This gave me a feeling of better clarity & self realisation, & helped me to move forward in my life with more motivation & drive, She helped me realise the importance of meditation & reflection in my life, which has improved my own mental & emotional health greatly, even just within a week after seeing her for the first time.

Pranic Healing Testimonials

Bhushan Bharambe, IT Consultant, London
I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma, & before I had any medications, I started Pranic Healing sessions with Kalyi. Immediately there was an incredible improvement in my health. After completing 10 sessions with Kalyi, I had a further test at the hospital & it was a surprise, all my cancer test results came back negative! Now my health is continuing to improve and I am feeling much better every day. I would definitely recommend Kalyi to everyone.

Monica Grarani, Nurse, Brisbane                                                                                                                                                     

I truly did not not know what Pranic Healing was before meeting Kalyi. But when a strong flu left me with a tinnitus that was driving me crazy – and when mainstream medicine did not have anything for me – I was willing to give it a go. I had tried antibiotics, steroids, and giving it some time to heal, but to no avail, so I contacted Kalyi for Pranic Healing. After the first healing session I had 2 full hours without tinnitus, for the first time in weeks. Then after the next 3 sessions, the breaks from the tinnitus got longer and longer, until the tinnitus finally went away completely. I am now tinnitus free and very excited to learn about this modality. Kalyi was always very professional and easy to trust. I found the sessions easy to follow, and did not require me to have any prior knowledge. I am very grateful to Kalyi for helping to alleviate the tinnitus, and I highly recommend her to everybody.

Maryann Ephgrave, London
As sole carer for my disabled partner I have found Kalyi’s Pranic healing sessions deeply supportive and empowering. I needed a safe place to find some ‘me’ time and Kalyi’s integrity, powerful intuition and profound healing gifts restore my energy and have given me valuable insights that are helping to transform the way I conduct my life in often difficult circumstances. She has understood in depth and provided exactly what I needed.

Paul, London
I came to see Kalyi, further to reading about the benefits of Pranic Healing. I was suffering from poor vision in one eye, and recurring headaches as a result. After my first treatment, I immediately felt more positive and energised. After my second and third treatments, my headaches disappeared and my vision was greatly improved. As well as focussing on the physical ailments, Kalyi targets the emotional and spiritual elements to improve your wellbeing. Without a doubt, Kalyi is a naturally gifted and powerful healer who I highly recommend.

Malinda Zarate, Financial Advisor
I began working with Kalyi for help with some physical challenges, including high blood pressure. I experienced immediate positive results after just the first session. After several sessions, my blood pressure has come down significantly and continues to stay more balanced. I’m also feeling generally more optimistic and energetic. Kalyi does lovely work, with gentleness and good humour and most importantly, with amazing results.

GC, Author, London
I went to see Kalyi principally for emotional traumas I experienced, especially in my childhood. This was affecting my life in many ways, for example, in not being able to move forward in a positive way. Through Kalyi’s profound and gifted healing, the tangled web of years of abuse was slowly unravelled. I can say that after my course of healing, I am much more tranquil and consequently, able to put the past where it belongs – in the past.

K from London
Kalyi is a gem. I came to her for help when I was diagnosed with lymphoma, and about to start my chemo. She was very professional. On top of the healing I received, I found the mental support and guidance from her very beneficial. She has not only helped me in recovering from my illness, but also enlightened me to live a better quality of life. I’m very grateful, and will continue seeking her advice and healing.

Ben Perry, IT Consultant
The treatment left me feeling energised, revitalised and cleared my mind. I would definitely recommend her to everyone

Kaushika Jain, London
I was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration in my right eye, and had a major problem being able to see properly. This is a common problem in very old age, but happened to me very early due to a weak eye. The doctors had advised that the only treatment for this is injections into the eye and even that may not cure the problem completely. I was really stressed and very worried. We were referred to Kalyi by my husband’s friend, who had seen a massive improvement in his own condition after taking treatments from Kalyi. I decided to try out Pranic Healing. Almost immediately after the first session, I was less stressed and felt more relaxed. I took about 9 further sessions with Kalyi. The doctors found major improvements in the condition of my eye when it was examined next, the internal bleeding had stoppped and the layers of the eye were improving without any form of traditional medication. The doctors were a bit surprised that it was getting better on its own.

Jenna, Financial Analyst, London 
I had some Pranic Healing sessions with Kalyi for my hay fever, which has been the bane of my life every summer for the last 3 years! The results were miraculous.  A day after the first healing my hay fever was a lot better, 2-days after it was totally gone and it hasn’t come back! Since then I have been able to enjoy jogging in the park again without the itchy throat and constant sneezing, I can enjoy the smells of summer and flowers! Anyone with hay fever, or any respiratory allergies/conditions, will understand how frustrating it is, and I can’t recommend Kalyi enough!  Kalyi works from her intuition, speaks from the heart, and also uses her vast knowledge and intellect in psychology.  She is a truly brilliant healer who explains things in such an accessible way – taking any fear, anxiety of pre-conceptions out of ‘alternative therapies’.  Give it a try! J