Activating the Merkabah
Have you heard of the Merkabah?
The Merkabah is essential in this time of Awakening.
The Merkabah, or light body vehicle, is a natural geometric energy shape in the form of a Star tetrahedron, made of counterrotating fields of light, which creates a 3d energy field around our body.
These fields of light used to spin at close to the speed of light around our bodies, but in most people today they have slowed down & stopped spinning. When the Merkabah is reactivated, it gives an expanded awareness of who we are, connects us with higher levels of consciousness, & restores the memory of the infinite possibilities of our being.
The Merkabah affects spirit & body simultaneously. It is a vehicle that can take spirit & body from one world or dimension into another. It can also create new realities as well as move through them. It is an interdimensional vehicle that will help us return to our original higher state of consciousness.
Merkabah activation is here!
Kalyi has studied & practised esoteric consciousness for 30 years. She has studied with Masters including Drunvalo Melchizadek, who taught her Merkabah acivation. She has taught in London & now she is teaching in Australia.
Includes: * Pranic Healing/Clearing
* Beams of Light
* Realigning Pineal Gland
* Merkabah Activation
It takes 3 hours including short break for tea/coffee.
NOTE: This is an Advanced course, that I am now teaching to selected Intermediate students. You will need to apply to do this course.
Cost: $300
Recovering & Thriving after Abusive Relationships
This 6 week course will show you how to understand why abusive relationships happen & TAKE ACTION to reclaim your energy & your life.
Some included topics:
Identifying abusive relationships
Why should I leave?
Setting effective boundaries
Expected difficulties & how to deal with them
Reclaiming your energy, yourself & your life
It’s a six week course with a 1.5 hour class once a week, in person with Kalyi. Includes a 20 min Pranic Healing session in each class.
Cost: $450
Psychic and Spiritual Development (Beginners)
Each human being is much more than we have been led to believe. We have innate gifts & potentials – we are able to access different dimensions, speak to distant &/or non physical sentient beings, identify objects & people in different geographical locations on the earth, protect ourselves from negative energies, heal ourselves using natural methods & more. Quantum physics is now investigating & verifying many of these phenomena in our non physical environment. We can become truly magnificent if we choose to discover these potentials within us.
If you would like to start to level up & develop your hidden abilities, & find out more of who you truly are, you are welcome to book in.
The Psychic & Spiritual development course will give a good foundation in:
Week 1. Intro & understanding core concepts such as aura, soul, chakras
Week 2. Energy Awareness & Management: What is your ‘energy’ & how to clean, energise & protect to improve your health
Week 3. Connecting with your spirit guides
Week 4. Interpreting oracles, signs & symbols from everyday life as communications from spirit
Week 5 & 6: Intro to practical psychic exercises – psychometry, remote viewing & more. You will have the opportunity to try some hands on psychic experiences, so you can start to develop your practical psychic gifts while having fun in a safe space.
It’s a six week course with a 1.5 hour class once a week, in person with Kalyi. Cost: $500
***Breaking News!!!*** Kalyi has just launched her first online course: Psychic & Spiritual Development course for Beginners. This comprises 4 of the 6 lessons contained in her in-person course.
It’s on the Teachable platform:
Psychic and Spiritual Development (Intermediate)
This course builds on the Beginner course (which is a prerequisite to this Intermediate course). Learning will focus on practical experience (& will include occasional group work) and will concentrate on progressing your skills developed in the Beginner course. Attendance is either weekly or fortnightly, 1.5 hour lessons.
Module 1 & 2. Deepening relationship with Guides
Module 3. Merkabah Activation
Module 4. The Law of One
Module 5. Connecting to your Higher Self
Module 6. Mediumship & Shadow Work
Each Module is 4 weeks with a 1.5 hour lesson once a week, & also includes psychic exercises, in person with Kalyi
Cost of each Module: $350
Palmistry (Beginners)
This is a six week course – 1.5 hour class once a week Cost: $500
Some topics covered:
- Fingers/prints/phalanges
- Major & minor lines
- Gesture
- Timing